Business Model

Business Model

“The term “business model” has become important as a topic of discussion in business strategy with the advent of the Internet and the rapid spread of networked applications. The evolution from process redesign following the IT revolution through business process modelling has led to the application of structured methodologies also in the definition of business models through the application of modeling to business strategy. The Business Model describes how the enterprise operates and specifically how it generates value for stakeholders and how it generates profits for owners. The business strategy support that iBDAdvisory proposes integrates methodologies available on the market into a logical scheme that allows to plan and design the operation of the new business or the revision of the current business.
The answers we are looking for:
– What are the trends, constraints and scenarios that the environment poses?
– What are the elements that inspire the initiative and express the company’s direction?
. How do we measure the achievement of objectives?
– What will be the winning business model?
– What steps do we need to take to implement the winning strategy?
– What is the economic size of the business and what financial resources will we need?
– Will the business be profitable and in how long? ”

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